

Once you have logged in, navigate to the page where you intend to add a quote to.


In the top admin bar, click on 'Edit Page'.


Once in edit mode, scroll to the bottom of the content and click 'Quotation'.


Once you click on the Quotation button, a new box will pop up in your browser. You can now 'fill in the blanks' to add details of the person and what they said

Upload a picture if you like to put a face to the name (this isn't mandatory though!)

Link to page or external website - any link you set here will be added to the person's name/organisation


After completing the details for your quote, scroll down to the bottom and select 'Save' to finalise the changes.


You'll then see your new quote appear on the content. However, this is NOT published to the site yet.


To publish anything you have edited or added to the page, scroll to the top of your content and click 'Approve'.