Ticker Messages


Ticker messages are concise messages positioned at the top of your website. They can serve as alerts, convey information, or simply offer a friendly greeting.


To edit or add a new ticker message, hover over the 'Admin' button in top grey bar, and click on Control Panel.


In the control panel, find the Content Management section and click on 'Ticker'.


On the following page, you'll find the current ticker message displayed on your website. If there isn't any, the ticker message section will remain empty. From here, you have the option to edit, relocate, or delete existing ticker messages.


To add a new ticker, click the 'Add Item' button.


Upon redirection, you will be directed to a new page where you can input your new ticker message. Please fill out this section with information.


When you are ready, click the 'Save' button.


Your new ticker message will start displaying at the top of your site. If you have several messages, the ticker box will cycle through your ticker messages over time.